Zend PHP Certification Training Course to Build Te >>>

Course Price : BDT 28500.00

Class Hour:  

Number of Classes: 30 Start Date: 11 June, 2022
Days: Saturday and Sunday of every week Time: 07:00 PM-10:00 PM
Course price for international: USD 499


Last Date of Registration: 10 June, 2022


Training Overview

TalhaTraining is going to organize Zend PHP Certification training course. In this PHP Zend certification course, TalhaTraining Zend certified trainers will guide and show you the right path to be a PHP Zend certification Developer. In this course you will attend many PHP certification practice test to prepare yourself.

Zend PHP Certification is an industry-wide standard that recognizes PHP expertise and is a measure of distinction that employers use to evaluate prospective employees. Join the thousands of PHP professionals who have received official certifications after joining the course.

We will build your Technical Knowledge and Skills needed in today’s Job Market. We also have live online classroom, where you can learn Zend PHP online from anywhere in the world.


Training Objectives

We will teach you how to build technical knowledge and skills to join and be a PHP Zend Certified Developer.

  • PHP Basics
  • Functions
  • Date Format and Types
  • Web Features
  • Object Oriented Programming
  • Security
  • I/O
  • Error Handling
  • Strings and Patterns
  • Database and SQL
  • Arrays
  • Server Administration
  • Vendor Exam Preparation

Hands-on/Lecture Ratio

This training class is 80% hands-on, 20% lecture. Students learn by doing, with immediate opportunities to apply the material they learn to real-world problems.


Training Materials

All related software and lecture sheets will provide in class.


Training Outline

PHP Basics

  • Syntax
  • Operators
  • Variables
  • Control Structures
  • Language Constructs and Functions
  • Namespaces
  • Extensions
  • Config
  • Performance/bytecode caching
  • Mock Test


  • Arguments
  • Variables
  • References
  • Returns
  • Variable Scope
  • Anonymous Functions, closures
  • Type Declarations
  • Mock Test

Date Format and Types

  • XML Basics
  • SimpleXML
  • XML Extension
  • Webservices Basics
  • SOAP
  • JSON
  • DateTime
  • DOMDocument
  • Mock Test

Web Features

  • Sessions
  • Forms
  • GET and POST data
  • Cookies
  • HTTP Headers
  • HTTP Authentication
  • HTTP Status Codes
  • Mock Test


  • Files
  • Reading
  • Writing
  • File System Functions
  • Streams
  • Contexts
  • Mock Test

Object Oriented Programming

  • Instantiation
  • Modifiers/Inheritance
  • Interfaces
  • Return Types
  • Exceptions
  • Autoload
  • Reflection
  • Type Hinting
  • Class Constants
  • Late Static Binding
  • Magic (_*) Methods
  • Instance Methods & Properties
  • SPL
  • Traits *
  • Mock Test


  • Configuration
  • Session Security
  • Cross-Site Scripting
  • Cross-Site Request Forgeries
  • SQL Injection
  • Remote Code Injection
  • Email Injection
  • Filter Input
  • Escape Output
  • Encryption, Hashing algorithms
  • File uploads
  • PHP Configuration
  • Password hashing API
  • Mock Test

Strings and Patterns

  • Quoting
  • Matching
  • Extracting
  • Searching
  • Replacing
  • Formatting
  • PCRE
  • Encodings
  • Mock Test

Database and SQL

  • SQL
  • Joins
  • Prepared Statements
  • Transactions
  • PDO
  • Mock Test


  • Associative Arrays
  • Array Iteration
  • Array Functions
  • SPL, Objects as arrays *
  • Casting
  • Mock Test

Error Handling

  • Handling Exceptions
  • Errors
  • Throwables

Server Administration

  • Introduction of server machine
  • Hack on Linux / Ubuntu/ Centos/ Red Hat
  • LEMP Stack
  • Shell scripting
  • Version controlling (git)
  • Mastering on github
  • Detect server health
  • Deploy code to server
  • Understanding DNS
  • Various record of domain names
  • Automate backup system
  • Automated server maintenance

Vendor Exam Preparation

  • Vendor Certification Discussion


Resource Person Profile

TalhaTraining Shafiul A. Topon   

LinkedIn Shafiul A. Topon      


Certificates will be awarded to participants at the end of training.


Seats are limited. To confirm your enrollment, pay the course fee @

A/C Name: TalhaTraining
A/C No.: 2141116000973
Bank Name: Prime Bank Limited

And mail us after pay the course fee.


For registration or information please call or contact any of the following addresses


Mobile & WhatsApp 01712742217

Email: training@talhatraining.com or talhatraining@gmail.com

Website: talhatraining.com; hostbari.com

Office Address: 12F, Dolonchapa-2, Flat#301, Rajuk Uttara Apartment Project, Sector 18, Uttara, Dhaka - 1230

Follow us on YouTube    Facebook    Google    LinkedIn    Twitter    Instagram

Join Zend PHP Certification Mock Test and increase your PHP knowledge to be a Zend Certified Engineer

Topic: The Basics of PHP
Topic: Data Formats and Types

Work Files

There is no work file


Training Objectives

We will teach you how to build technical knowledge and skills to join and be a PHP Zend Certified Developer.

  • PHP Basics
  • Functions
  • Date Format and Types
  • Web Features
  • Object Oriented Programming
  • Security
  • I/O
  • Error Handling
  • Strings and Patterns
  • Database and SQL
  • Arrays
  • Server Administration
  • Vendor Exam Preparation

Quiz not assigned for this Course
