Outsourcing Training with SEO and Digital Marketin >>>

Course Price : Call +8801712742217 for Price

Class Hour:  

Training Overview

Search engine optimization is often about making small modifications to parts of your website. When viewed individually, these changes might seem like incremental improvements, but when combined with other optimizations, they could have a noticeable impact on your site's user experience and performance in organic search results.

Digital marketing is an umbrella term for the marketing of products or services using digital technologies, mainly on the internet, but also including mobile technology. This course will increase your digital marketing skills. We will that teach you digital marketing strategy and tactics.

TalhaTraining is offering search engine optimization (SEO) training and digital marketing training course in Bangladesh. Our digital marketing course and SEO training in Bangladesh is designed with real life implementation examples.

We have live online classroom, where you can attend digital marketing course online and SEO training online from anywhere in the world.

Training Objectives

  • Internet and Search Engine Basics
  • SEO Basics
  • Keywords Research and Analysis
  • On Page Optimization
  • Off Page Optimization
  • SEO for Mobile Phones
  • Promotions , Reports, Analysis and Management
  • Social Book-marking
  • Social Media Networking
  • Video Marketing
  • Blogging
  • Introduction to SEM and Adwords
  • Creating First Campaign
  • Ad groups and Keywords
  • Ads Format and Ad Guidelines
  • Display Network Targeting
  • Conversion Tracking
  • Website Optimizer
  • Reports and Improving Conversions
  • Multi User Access


Participants do not need any knowledge of programming language.

Hands-on/Lecture Ratio

This training class is 70% hands-on, 30% lecture. Students learn by doing, with immediate opportunities to apply the material they learn to real-world problems.

Training Materials

All related software and lecture sheets and free e-book will provide in class.

Training Outline

Internet and Search Engine Basics

  • What is Internet Marketing?
  • Importance of Internet Marketing
  • Types of Internet Marketing Methods
  • Basics of Search engines and Directory
  • How the search engine works?
  • Google Search Engine Architecture
  • Search Engine Algorithms
  • Google Algorithm Updates
  • Page Rank Technology
  • Panda Update and its Importance
  • Latest Updates about Algorithms
  • Understanding the SERP
  • Using Search Operators
  • Google WebMasters Tools
  • Yahoo Site Explorer

SEO Basics

  • How Search Engine Operate
  • How usability, experience and content affect Rankings
  • How people interact with search engine
  • Growing Popularity and Links
  • Why Search engine marketing is necessary
  • Myths and misconceptions about search engine

Keywords Research and Analysis

  • Introduction to Keyword Research
  • Business Analysis
  • Types of Keywords
  • Keyword Research Methodology
  • Keywords Analysis Tools
  • Adwords Tool / Wordtracker / Search Insights / Suggest
  • Competition Analysis
  • Finding the good keywords
  • Localized Keywords Research
  • Language Based Keywords

On Page Optimization

  • Onsite Optimization Basics
  • Domain Names in SEO
  • Website Structure and Navigation
  • Creating Filenames in Site
  • Create unique, accurate page titles
  • Make use of the "description" meta tag
  • The basics of search engine friendly design and dev
  • Meta Tags Optimization
  • Copywriting and SEO Copywriting
  • Header Optimization
  • Anchor Links Optimization
  • Snippets Creation
  • Iframes / Frames affect on SEO
  • Offer quality content and services
  • Write better anchor text
  • Optimize your use of images
  • Use heading tags appropriately
  • Footer Optimization
  • Creating an txt, xml sitemaps
  • Sitemap Generation Tools
  • URL Rewrite Techniques
  • Improve the structure of your URLs
  • Make your site easier to navigate
  • Make effective use of robots.txt
  • Be aware of rel="nofollow" for links
  • Malware Removal Guidelines

Off Page Optimization

  • Black Hat SEO techniques
  • Introduction to Offsite Optimization
  • Submission to search engines
  • Linking Building Methodology
  • Types of Linking Methods
  • Free Links / Paid Links
  • Directory Submissions for SEO

SEO for Mobile Phones

  • Guide mobile users accurately
  • What is mobile SEO?
  • How to create mobile site?
  • Notify Google of mobile sites
  • Google-Mobile
  • Mobile Sitemap
  • Search criteria for different smart phones
  • Onsite Optimization Basics for moile
  • Website Structure and Navigation in mobile
  • Creating Filenames in Site
  • Title Tag Optimization
  • Meta Tags Optimization
  • Copywriting and SEO Copywriting.
  • Header Optimization
  • Anchor Links Optimization
  • Snippets Creation for mobile

Promotions , Reports, Analysis and Management

  • Promote your website in the right ways
  • Make use of free webmaster tools
  • Website Position Analysis
  • Introducton to Google Analytics
  • Installing Google Analytics
  • Basics of Google Analytics
  • Visitors Reports
  • Geographic Reports
  • Traffic Sources Reports
  • Keywords Reports
  • Goals and Conversions
  • User Access and Reports Sharing

Social Book-marking

  • Stumble Upon
  • Delicious
  • Reditt
  • Fave It
  • E-buzz & More

Social Media Networking

  • Verifying Twitter Account
  • Facebook Profile Maintenance
  • Facebook landing page Creation
  • Google Buzz
  • Myspace Connections
  • Linked In Networking
  • Kaboodle (only for product based sites)

Video Marketing

  • Video Optimization
  • Youtube
  • MetaCafe
  • AOL Videos


  • Blog Post Updating
  • Blog Marketing
  • Blog Commenting
  • Local Business Listing
  • Classifieds Posting
  • Forum Signatures and Commenting
  • Using Blogs for SEO
  • Blog Commenting
  • Writing a Press Release
  • Article Submissions
  • Video Submissions
  • Social Media Optimization
  • Social Networking Concepts
  • Social Bookmarking
  • RSS Feeds

Introduction to SEM and Adwords

  • Basics of Internet Marketing
  • Adwords Certification Exams
  • Benefits of Adwords compared to other Networks
  • Creating Adwords Account
  • Adwords Interface Tour
  • Adwords Dash Board
  • Billing in Adwords

Creating First Campaign

  • Understanding purpose of Campaign
  • Account Limits in Adwords
  • Location and Language Settings
  • Networks and Devices
  • Bidding and Budget
  • Schedule: Start date, end date, ad scheduling
  • Ad delivery: Ad rotation, frequency capping
  • Demographic bidding (Display Only)
  • Social settings (Display Only)
  • Automatic campaign optimization (Display Only)

Ad groups and Keywords

  • Purpose of Ad Groups
  • Keyword Types (Broad, Phrase, Exact and Negative)
  • Adwords Keyword Tool
  • Text Ad Format
  • Quality Score and Its Importance
  • Understanding the Ad Group and Keywords Dash Board
  • Automate Tool
  • Search Terms
  • Columns Customization
  • Alerts Setting
  • Filters

Ads Format and Ad Guidelines

  • Ad Types in Adwords
  • Text Ads and Guidelines
  • Image Ad Formats and Guidelines
  • Display Ad Builder Ads and Guidelines
  • Video Ads Format
  • Ads Preview and Diagnosis

Display Network Targeting

  • Setting a Display Network Campaign
  • Concept of CPM and Branding
  • Automatic Placements
  • Manual Placements
  • Placement Tool
  • Contextual Targeting Tool
  • CPC
  • Bidding and CPM Bidding
  • Setting a Video Campaign
  • Audience Tab

Conversion Tracking

  • Purpose of Conversions
  • Create your Conversion Tracking Code
  • Tracking the Conversions for Multiple Product

Website Optimizer

  • Using Website Optimizer Tool
  • A/B Testing
  • Multi Variant Testing

Reports and Improving Conversions

  • Conversion Tracking
  • Dimensions Reports
  • Google Analytics Tools

Multi User Access

  • User Access Levels
  • My Client Centre (MCC)

Certificates will be awarded to participants at the end of training.


Resource Person

Md. Shafiul Alam

Tania Taharima Chowdhary

For registration or information please call or contact any of the following addresses

Talha Training

Mobile: 8801712742217

Email: training@talhatraining.com or talhatraining@gmail.com

Test Live Classroom URL: Live Classroom
Username: demo Password: demo

Website: talhatraining.com; talhabd.com; hostbari.com

Office Address: 1st Floor, 161/B, Lake Circus, Kalabagan, Dhaka-1205

Follow us on: Facebook    Google+    LinkedIn    Twitter    YouTube

Work Files

There is no work file


Training Objectives

  • Internet and Search Engine Basics
  • SEO Basics
  • Keywords Research and Analysis
  • On Page Optimization
  • Off Page Optimization
  • SEO for Mobile Phones
  • Promotions , Reports, Analysis and Management
  • Social Book-marking
  • Social Media Networking
  • Video Marketing
  • Blogging
  • Introduction to SEM and Adwords
  • Creating First Campaign
  • Ad groups and Keywords
  • Ads Format and Ad Guidelines
  • Display Network Targeting
  • Conversion Tracking
  • Website Optimizer
  • Reports and Improving Conversions
  • Multi User Access

Quiz not assigned for this Course
