Real Life Project Development Training Course with >>>

Course Price : Call +8801712742217 for Price

Class Hour:  

Training Overview

Python is a general-purpose language which is designed to be simple to read and write. Python is Reliable and Efficient.

Python has an excellent selection of libraries, from NumPy and SciPy for scientific computing to Django for web development.

The use of big data and cloud computing solutions in the enterprise world has also helped skyrocket Python to success. It is one of the most popular languages used in data science.

For newcomers and beginners, Python is incredibly easy to learn and use. In fact, it’s one of the most accessible programming languages available. Part of the reason is the simplified syntax with an emphasis on natural language. But it’s also because you can write Python code and execute it much faster.

Our mission is to provide learners best python and django training step by step from scratch. In this course, we provide all information about pythonand django. Learn everything at one place.


Training Objectives

We will teach you how to build technical knowledge and skills to join and be a Python Programmer.

  • Python Basic
  • Python Variable and Operator
  • Python Statement
  • Loop Control Statements, Iterator and Generator
  • Python Numbers
  • Python Strings
  • Python Lists
  • Python Tuples
  • Python Date & Time
  • Python - Functions
  • Python - Object Oriented
  • Django - Python Framework
  • Setting Up Your Project with Python Framework
  • Django note taking app

Hands-on/Lecture Ratio

This training class is 80% hands-on, 20% lecture. Students learn by doing, with immediate opportunities to apply the material they learn to real-world problems.


Training Materials

All related software and lecture sheets and free e-book will provide in class.


Training Outline

Python Basic

  • About Python
  • Python - Environment Setup
  • Python Basic Syntax

Python Variable and Operator Overview

  • About Variable
  • Variable Types
  • Operator
  • Arithmetic Operators
  • Comparison (Relational) Operators
  • Assignment Operators
  • Logical Operators
  • Bitwise Operators
  • Membership Operators
  • Identity Operators

Python Statement Overview

  • Statement Overview
  • If Statements
  • If...Else Statements
  • Nested If Statements

Loop Control Statements, Iterator and Generator

  • While Loop
  • For Loop
  • Nested Loops
  • Break Statement
  • Continue Statement
  • Pass Statement

Python Numbers

  • Different Numerical Types
  • Number Type Conversion
  • Mathematical Functions
  • Random Number Functions
  • Trigonometric Functions
  • Mathematical Constants

Python Strings

  • Accessing Values in Strings
  • Updating Strings
  • String Special Operators
  • String Formatting Operator

Python Lists

  • Accessing Values in Lists
  • Updating Lists
  • Delete List Elements
  • Basic List Operations
  • Built-in List Functions and Methods
  • Python Tuples
  • Accessing Values in Tuples
  • Updating Tuples
  • Delete Tuple Elements

Python Tuples

  • Basic Tuples Operations
  • Built-in Tuple Functions
  • Python Dictionary
  • Accessing Values in Dictionary
  • Updating Dictionary
  • Delete Dictionary Elements
  • Properties of Dictionary Keys
  • Built-in Dictionary Functions and Methods

Python Date & Time

  • What is Tick?
  • What is TimeTuple?
  • Getting current time
  • Getting formatted time
  • Getting calendar for a month
  • The time Module
  • The calendar Module

Python – Functions

  • About Functions
  • Functions Syntax
  • Calling a Function
  • Pass by Reference
  • Pass by Value
  • Function Arguments
  • Required Arguments
  • Keyword Arguments
  • Default Arguments
  • Variable-length Arguments
  • The Anonymous Functions
  • The return Statement
  • Scope of Variables
  • Global vs. Local variables

Python - Object Oriented

  • Overview of OOP Terminology
  • Creating Classes
  • Creating Instance Objects
  • Accessing Attributes
  • Built-In Class Attributes
  • Destroying Objects (Garbage Collection)
  • Class Inheritance
  • Overriding Methods
  • Base Overloading Methods
  • Overloading Operators
  • Data Hiding

Django - Python Framework

  • Django - Framework Basic
  • MVC Pattern
  • Install Django
  • Create a Project
  • The Project Structure
  • Setting Up Your Project
  • Django - Admin Interface
  • Starting the Admin Interface
  • Creating Views
  • URL Mapping
  • Organizing Your URLs
  • Sending Parameters to Views
  • Django - Template
  • Django - Model
  • Django - E-mails
  • Django - Form
  • Django – File and Apache Setup
  • Django - Cookies, Sessions
  • Django - Caching
  • Django - Comments, RSS, Ajax

Django note taking app

  • Django database model
  • Show the data
  • Insert data
  • Styling the app


Certificates will be awarded to participants at the end of training.


Seats are limited. To confirm your enrollment, pay the course fee @

A/C Name: TalhaTraining
A/C No.: 2141116000973
Bank Name: Prime Bank Limited

And mail us after pay the course fee.


For registration or information please call or contact any of the following addresses


Mobile: 01712742217

WhatsApp: 01556334845

Email: or


Office Address: 1st Floor, 161/B, Lake Circus, Kalabagan, Dhaka-1205

Follow us on: Facebook    Google+    LinkedIn    Twitter    Instagram    YouTube


Work Files

There is no work file


Training Objectives

We will teach you how to build technical knowledge and skills to join and be a Python Programmer.

  • Python Basic
  • Python Variable and Operator
  • Python Statement
  • Loop Control Statements, Iterator and Generator
  • Python Numbers
  • Python Strings
  • Python Lists
  • Python Tuples
  • Python Date & Time
  • Python - Functions
  • Python - Object Oriented
  • Django - Python Framework
  • Setting Up Your Project with Python Framework
  • Django note taking app

Quiz not assigned for this Course
