Advanced PHP Training Course to Build Live Project >>>

Course Price : Call +8801712742217 for Price

Class Hour:  

Training Overview

PHP Programming with PHP Framework Advanced CodeIgniter Course will enable you to build your own applications in literally no time with advanced PHP programming. CodeIgniter PHP framework is a PHP web application development framework based on the MVC (Model-View-Controller) patter, which allows you to easily separate data from application logic and visual presentation.

There are a number of benefits of CodeIgniter course like you can develop php website with best framework for php where you will get amazing performance, required no configuration, does not have to stick with the normal coding rules and many more.

We will make your CodeIgniter skill. We also have live online classroom, where you can learn CodeIgniter online from anywhere in the world. Learning Advanced CodeIgniter step by step never been so easy!


Training Objectives

We will teach you how to develop interactive websites with PHP framework CodeIgniter.

  • Join the course to learn advanced PHP programming with CodeIgniter framework and invigorate you career.
  • Building a Inventory System with Calendar, Customers Management, Account Management, Inventory Management, Invoices Management and Expenses Management.
  • Ajax & jQuery Design
  • SSL and email server.
  • Online payment methods PayPal Standard and
  • Individual / Group Project using PHP framework CodeIgniter with MySQL.


All PHP framework CodeIgniter Course attendees must have basic knowledge in HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP Programming.


Hands-on/Lecture Ratio

This training class is 80% hands-on, 20% lecture. Students learn by doing, with immediate opportunities to apply the material they learn to real-world problems.


Training Materials

All related software and lecture sheets and free e-book will provide in class.


Training Outline

Basic PHP with Framework

  • About PHP & MySQL
  • Advantage of using Framework
  • Introducing CodeIgniter Framework
  • Create first project with CodeIgniter Framework

CodeIgniter Framework - Basic DB & Client Side Validation

  • Active Record Class:
  • - Insert Data
  • Client Side Validation
  • RegExp

CodeIgniter Framework - Server Side Validation & Image Verification

  • Server side validation
  • Captcha image verification

CodeIgniter Framework - Advanced Database with Session & Email System

  • Active Record Class:
  • - Selecting Data
  • Session
  • Email system

DB Normalization

  • Active Record Class:
  • - Method Chaining- Deleting Data
  • Database Normalization

DB Relationship & Model Description

  • Active Record Class:
  • - Updating Data
  • Database relationship
  • Database Model Description

Advanced PHP Framework with Methods, Classes & Cooke

  • Basic database design concept
  • CodeIgniter Methods
  • CodeIgniter Classes
  • Cooke

CodeIgniter Framework - SSL, Email Manager

  • Lecture on secure path SSL
  • Email Manager

CodeIgniter Framework - File Upload & Online Payment Method

  • Include file & file upload
  • PayPal Standard

Ajax Basics

  • HTTP Request and Response Fundamentals
  • The XMLHttpRequest Object
  • XMLHttpRequest Methods
  • XMLHttpRequest Properties
  • Cross-Browser Usage
  • Sending a Request to the Server
  • Basic Ajax Example

Ajax with server side scripting language

  • Bringing in the Ajax: GET vs. POST
  • Passing Values
  • Client-Driven Communication, Server-Side Processing
  • Basic Examples
  • Expanding and Contracting Content
  • Auto-Complete
  • Form Validation
  • Tool Tips

jQuery Basics with Example & Selectors

  • About jQuery
  • How jQuery Works
  • jQuery: The Basics
  • Launching Code and Complete Examples
  • Using selectors and events
  • Selectors
  • Basics & Hierarchy
  • Basic, Content, Visibility, Attribute & Child Filters
  • Forms & Form Filters

Building a Inventory System – day one

  • Home – Text Box
  • Calendar – Add Event
  • Calendar - Add most important things
  • Calendar - Follow-up
  • Calendar – Week view
  • Email

Building a Inventory System – day two

  • Customers - View customers
  • Customers - View contacts
  • Customers – Add new
  • Customers – Import Customers
  • Customers - Tell a friend

Building a Inventory System – day three

  • My Account - My profile
  • My Account – Change Password
  • My Account – Cancel Membership
  • My Account - Submit testimonials
  • My Account - Submit suggestions
  • My Account - Submit tips
  • My Account - Tell a friend
  • My Account – Download Brochure

Building a Inventory System – day four

  • Inventory – My Inventory
  • Inventory – My Inventory: Personal Product
  • Invoices – View Invoices
  • Invoices – Create Invoice

Building a Inventory System – day five

  • Expenses – Expenses
  • Expenses – Income
  • Expenses – Add Income


Certificates will be awarded to participants at the end of training.


Resource Person

Md. Shafiul Alam

Seats are limited. To confirm your enrollment, pay the course fee @

A/C Name: TalhaTraining
A/C No.: 14111050011492
Bank Name: Prime Bank Limited

And mail us after pay the course fee.


For registration or information please call or contact any of the following addresses

Talha Training

Mobile: 8801712742217

Email: or


Office Address: 1st Floor, 161/B, Lake Circus, Kalabagan, Dhaka-1205

Follow us on: Facebook    Google+    LinkedIn    Twitter    YouTube

Work Files

There is no work file


Training Objectives

We will teach you how to develop interactive websites with PHP framework CodeIgniter.

  • Join the course to learn advanced PHP programming with CodeIgniter framework and invigorate you career.
  • Building a Inventory System with Calendar, Customers Management, Account Management, Inventory Management, Invoices Management and Expenses Management.
  • Ajax & jQuery Design
  • SSL and email server.
  • Online payment methods PayPal Standard and
  • Individual / Group Project using PHP framework CodeIgniter with MySQL.

Quiz not assigned for this Course
